CJH Educational Grant Services, Inc.

                                       For Parents




Sexual Risk Avoidance Education Program (SRAE) is a national federally-funded program that provides medically-appropriate information to teens ages (13-19) about the benefits of refraining from nonmarital sex and avoiding risky behaviors. This program is voluntary and requires parental permission for teens under age 18.

Our CJH local SRAE program has ended as of September 2022. 

Similar to other SRAE programs nationwide, we offered a research-based curriculum each year called: Choosing the Best, composed of a series of classes.  www.choosingthebest.com

Our North Carolina program was open to adolescents who resided in the following counties: Alamance, Brunswick, Cumberland, Duplin, Durham, Edgecombe, Guilford Halifax, Hoke, Nash, Onslow, Randolph, Roberson, Sampson, Scotland, Stanley, Swain, or Wilson.  These counties have high numbers of at-risk teens and teen pregnancy rates that exceed those of the state and rival those of the nation.

The project goal was to reduce teen pregnancy and encourage healthy behaviors. We advocate for positive well-being for all participants in order for them to graduate high school and have the ability to earn a living wage.  Two short topics added to the standard curriculum were Success Sequencing and Self-Regulation that talk about self-control and discipline.  Participation in the SRAE project was voluntary; parental permission was required.

Based on an independent analysis of voluntary and anonymous surveys from participants, an evaluator scripted the following: “Overall, evaluation results suggest directional evidence that the program produced the anticipated outcomes and promoted positive change in attitudes/beliefs, and increased knowledge around abstinence, sex, marriage, and healthy relationships.”

Learn more about the Sexual Risk Avoidance Education Program: https://www.acf.hhs.gov/…/sexual-risk-avoidance-education  and https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=343845  

Thank you for considering our project!

        e-mail: charris@cjhgrants.com or call: (919) 832-0306