Compassion Capital Fund
Compassion Capital Fund Demonstration Program (CCFDP) was a flagship initiative designed to build capacity and promote best practices among community and faith-based organizations (FBOs and CBOs) that have not traditionally had access to Federal resources for their social service programs. CJH Educational Grant Services, Inc. (CJH) was one of twenty-one intermediary organizations in the nation selected to partner with the US Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS), Administration for Children and Families, in its initial year for delivery of training, technical assistance, and sub-granting Federal funds for capacity building for novice, community and faith-based groups serving high-need populations.
Executive Summary
CJH was awarded the Compassion Capital Fund Demonstration Program (CCF) grant in its inaugural year (2002) along with twenty (20) other organizations nationwide including Clemson and Emory Universities, Volunteers of America, National Center for Faith-Based Initiatives, Operation Blessing, International, and the Universities of Hawaii and Nebraska. These Intermediaries were chosen to administer the CCF program for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Office of Community Services).
The local Raleigh-based project called ˜Compassion Capital North Carolina ” (CCNC), was a three-year initiative designed to enhance effectiveness, sustainability, and organizational capacity of local charitable agencies and unincorporated groups through: 1) intensive training, 2) technical assistance, and 3) implementation of sub-grants. Services supported the capacity-building activities and infrastructure development of emerging and existing faith and community-based groups. CCNC offered training sessions that were: 1) open and free to the public and 2) conducted by notable area experts and consultants on capacity-building issues. A two-day training Conference/EXPO was held annually in late summer, culminating project events. CJH received $1,116,440 annually to implement the CCF mission and successfully completed the project’s third and final year in March 2006, serving 100 North Carolina counties.
Programming. Approximately twenty-five (25) faith and community-based groups were selected annually for intense project services that include technical assistance, progress monitoring, and financial support (grants). Funded agencies engage in a three-day core curriculum training program to assess organizational needs, develop sustainability, and strengthen internal organizational capacity to improve and expand services. Training topics include: outcome measurement, partnership development, evaluation, networking, accounting, public grants, and audit preparation. Each agency identified achievable measurable objectives. Qualifying groups received a paid membership for the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits. All services were of no cost to sub-award recipients.
Agency Eligibility. Selected participants: 1) served high-need populations and 2) had specific training needs. High-need populations included, but were not limited to: at-risk children, the elderly, persons living with HIV/AIDS, families in crisis, prisoners, children of prisoners, and victims of domestic violence. Funds could not be used to provide direct services for clients.
Sub-grants were provided to support the development and operations of novice and emerging organizations across the state of North Carolina and in Pittsylvania County, Virginia. These funds were used exclusively for capacity building activities such as: Board and staff development, legal services, equipment purchases, volunteer training, expansion, service improvement, fund development, and grant writing. Religious purposes or expenditures were prohibited. Fifty percent of the $1.1 million grant was awarded to community and faith-based groups. Awards ranged from $10,000 to $20,500. Eighty-six (86) agencies received funding support. Over 200 received training, networking experiences, and technical assistance since the project began in September 2002.
Project Goals and Objectives
- To annually identify and provide funding support to a minimum of twenty-five (25) novice or emerging faith-based organizations (FBOs) and community-based
organizations (CBOs) serving high-need populations. - To address the capacity-building needs of project-selected FBOs/CBOs.
- To offer capacity-building training, technical assistance, and resource referrals to the
non-profit public. - To develop and disseminate a list of resource experts and consultants in specific fields
such as, but not limited to, grant writers, strategic planners, and marketing experts.
Evaluation. An independent evaluation was performed to measure qualitative and quantitative outcomes of sub-award recipients. A single audit from a reputable accounting firm was also required annually of CJH. Progress documentation and semi-annual reports were submitted to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) on a timely basis.
Partnerships. Throughout the project, CJH continually developed collaborative relationships with community partners to meet the needs of the non-profit public. Together with CJH, businesses, corporate sponsors, educational institutions, individuals, and established agencies co-sponsored conferences and EXPOs, developed publications, and offered numerous training opportunities in the areas of community building, human resource development, and other issues for emerging charitable agencies across the state. CJH and partners developed grant-readiness manuals and piloted a marketing curriculum exclusively for non-profit groups. Major CJH partners include: North Carolina Community Action Association, Halifax County Schools , Barnes of Joseph, Inc., Wake County Human Services (Community Initiatives), Duke University ‘s Fuqua School of Business, Association Management Sources, area universities, and professional consultants and trainers.
Read more about CJH and other CCF Intermediaries: see Grantee Spotlights’
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CJH was featured in Popular Government (UNC-CH School of Government) in its Fall 2004 issue (p. 11 15) and the May 11, 2004, CCF National Resource Center E-newsletter.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Office of Community Services
Administration for Children and Families
Compassion Capital Fund Demonstration Program, CFR #93.647
Compassion Capital Fund Brochure: